Saturday, 4 July 2009
Onto Pastures New
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
News Flash - Molly
News flash : word has it on the street that cat mother has found me a worthy companion; a female at that and that she could possibly be with us this week-end...all being well...not allowed to say anymore on the subject...
Sunday, 28 June 2009
GPS cat tracker...cud this be on the cards
Prawns for tea
News Shock
Waiting for Wifey!
And honestly that's exactly what it her well under manners now...Cat mother rushes home and is almost there almost all of the time when she is not working.
Sunday, 14 June 2009
The Way Out is Blocked - ain't no stoppin' us now...
From Week 23 - Garden Fence - cat stylee |
The Persian Tan Number
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Cat friends are more important now than ever!
Not much to report
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Bingo - It's Just Me Now...
From Bingo |
A couple of photos as Cat Mother gets her mojo back and starts taking photos again...
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From Bingo watching Cat Mother Working |
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Cat Mother Caves In...sob...
Monday, 8 June 2009
Bongo Goes Missing!
Thursday, 4 June 2009
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Week 19 Bingo and Bongo |
She was furious and all hot and bothered by the time we reached home I can tell you. She made a bee line 4 the cat flap and locked it so we couldn't get out and gave us some bull about Big Bruv advising her 2 lock the cat flap so that I could re-settle. She got the cat litter trays back out and in the bathroom. I don't know. Something didn't feel right. Sure enough, the next morning she starts packing and it turns out she is off on a jolly 2 c her friend Tabatha in Tooting and doesn't want 2 get any calls from strangers advising that one of up has strayed!
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Contractors - ugh!
From Visitors - Not for Bingo and Bongo |
Above the lean too
Other cats in the garden
Bingo - Up by the rail station!
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Bingo And Bongo Kept In |
We were forced to spend our time with cat mother and then alone in the flat when she went to work for 3 days as on the 2nd day she went off galavanting to see her friend Linda and Malika and didn't return until the following night. She left us plenty of food and we left her plenty of little pools which she then spent ages clearing up along with the big spring clean which happened w/e 2nd May. She resolved never to lock the cat flap again and we are all happy families.
Monday, 27 April 2009
Hello My Loves
Week 16 - Bingo and Bongo
The Worm
From Worm |
Week 15 - Bingo and Bongo
Birthdays - Bingo and Bongo - 11th April
Monday, 13 April 2009
Transcript between Cat Mother and Big Bruv
cat mother: Oh bless
Getting Acquainted with the Family - Hamish
Hamish belongs to cat mother's brother so perhaps he's a cousin or something...not sure that we'll ever meet but since there is no where else to put them they share out blog...
4 Days away from Cat Mother
From Week 13 Cats Stolen Toys |
Cat mother had the mother of all colds and whilst she is to be commended for finally clearing out the garden, all the hidey holes have gone. She was introduced to the Big Black Cat.
From The Black Cat |
From The Black Cat |
As her friend Annie Pannie was about to leave on Sunday, Bongo came flying through the cat flap with such precision leaving a fluffy persian tabby number clawing at the patio doors (we have magnets).
Not much use of the cat litter trays but it's still nice to know that when it's raining we don't have to go outside.
Cat mother actually didn't come home until 10:30pm on Tuesday and guessing that this was an impromptu outing, this meant that there were no lights turned on for us as it turned dark. Her guilty conscious at this and the fact that she was about to desert us for 4 days meant that we got 2 nights of her sleeping on the sofa. We love sleeping with cat mother and wish that she would let us into her bedroom and understand that the fact that we would treat the bed as a toilet prevents this but what can we do? Boy does she snore though! Still small price to pay..
From Week 14 Bingo and Bongo |
And so the Lovejoy-Blacks turned up. They brought c h i l d r e n! Cat mother knows we are not into this but of course we had no say in the matter. On the day they arrived it was raining and where we wouldn't normally be out and about, with the arrival of the LJBs and on account of not having seen them for two years, we stayed outside, hovering about the lean too and miaowing whenever anyone came out to check we were o-kay. We soon discovered that the two younger ones went to bed at around 19:30 leaving the older one (we can handle a 12 year old) and parents in the living room. After a couple of days we relented and sat with JessWess who we simply love and adore. The parents aren't so bad either but what we really enjoy is waiting until they have gone to sleep on the sofa bed in the living room which just happens to house the cat-flap.
From Bingo Week 13 |
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Week 14 Bingo and Bongo |
We hear they are heading out today and wonder when cat mother will return.
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Week 11 Bingo and Bongo
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Week 12 Bingo and Bongo |
in the last two weeks we have acquired 7 which are in the
photo set.
for which I had to take to the vets and a massive welt to the
left of his anus but since he is already on anti-biotics I resisted t
he temptation to take him to the vets again.
and I wouldn't change them for the world.
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Over-eating Bongo
Eventually his cries pierced thru my consciousness and I bent down to comfort him and he was just oh so stressed! So stressed! In what I associate with a mother trying to comfort a screaming child and failing, kind of way!
I was beside myself. I decided to get the next train and spend an extra 20 minutes with Bongo and Bingo and by the time I left 4 work he was still crying and I'm sure he wanted to follow me out the door! This is unusual of Bongo who is usually the more reserved and aloof of the two.
It was on my mind and thru out the day I mentioned it 2 a couple of people and suggestions back & forth were a) get a timed food tray, b) feed them once a day in the morning, c) feed them less, d) don't worry - cats are sick sometimes, and so on.
Neighbours do call me though questioning the fact that they are out and about and sometimes letting me know that they are eating chez them! I don't want to encourage this so I have to make sure there is food out for them at all times. How can I put them on a diet? Bingo is slim and I would suggest the more active of the 2 with a higher metabolism and needs to eat! (I suspect he is the one making friends of the neighbours as he is the ultimate attention seeker). I digress...
I rushed home and was greeted by both cats as I usually am and as if nothing was wrong. My strong reserve ended very quickly when the 3 of us entered the kitchen. I put the kettle on 4 tea and went to change into my walking gear and when they realised that was all that was happening the "screaming" began and it just gets into your very skull until U CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!
I relented. The two empty bowls were now filled with Whiskas fish pouches and the reigning quiet that followed as they munched their way through yet another meal was more than welcome
Sunday, 8 March 2009
3 more toys
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Cats Stolen Toys - Week 9 |
I guess if there is one thing I have learned this week is that just because toys may belong to someone else, does not mean they are dirty, rotten, nasty as I had previously suspected.
Other pets toys do however demand inspection before they become a permanent fixture Chez Ufot!
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BingoAndBongo - Week 9 2009 |
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Filthy nasty disgusting cat toy - binned
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Filthy nasty disgusting cat toy |
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Bingo and Bongo loving their king prawns
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Bingo and Bongo at 20 months |
Bingo and Bongo are just so incredibly photogenic I simply can't resist taking photos of them.
Nothing particular exciting has happened this week. The plumber came round and replaced the washer on the pipe feeding the cistern and of course they fled to the cover of the TV, both under and behind. It was all too much for Bingo though and never one to miss an opportunity for some petting, he soon came out and made himself known.
I've just recieved another phone call from a neighbour who has Bingo. Bingo has eaten a plate of catfood and the neighbour is ok about this and just wanted to be sure that Bingo wasn't missing. What am I gonna do with him! He is always looking for new friends!
Bongo meanwhile is keeping close to home repeatedly coming to me for hugs and kisses....
Thought I'd have fish tonight and there were loads of prawns so I cut some up and came them to my beauties and I tell you what, the way they attacked those prawns you would think they had never been fed...I'm obviously going to have to up the ante here if I'm now competing with my neighbours for their company....and who was it said that cats were so selfish....
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Bingo and Bongo loving their king prawns |
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Bingo and Bongo - 1 and a half years
I have been through phases where I think, was I wise to do this, to get two cats which restrict my ability to go and see friends and stay with them but they are so adorable and such wonderful company that I always come round to a more positive way of thinking.
They love it when I'm in and rarely go out. If they do they are back within minutes and when I'm on the old laptop, they are in the radiator bed nearest to me sleeping, fighting away.
As I wonder around the flat, the smaller one, Bingo, has a habit of trailing my every foot step and gets into these fits where he miaows and miaows until I can't stand it anymore and coming round from my sub-conscious, reach to either pick him up and fling him over my shoulder or just bend down and give him loads of attention which soon has him purring and writhing on the floor. He is a funny one. He can just be near me and start purring.
They are still not allowed in my bedroom as there penchant for want to piss on anything blanket like, duvets, towels, flannels, blankets, remains.
I still have the cat litter trays in the bathroom which are being used less and less but I am at odds as to know when I can get rid of them for good. I can say however, that they use them less and less but do like pooing in them for some reason, often coming in from outside especially for this purpose.
I came in one day this week to find Bingo on his own in the flat and the kitchen door shut which meant that the 3 stools up against the kitchen door had somehow fallen down and Bongo was locked in with food and litter trays. Both were crying piteously and were delighted to be re-united with both myself and each other. It took me quite a while to quieten them down!
Here are some recent photos of my two beauties.
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BingoAndBongo |