From Week 13 Cats Stolen Toys |
Cat mother had the mother of all colds and whilst she is to be commended for finally clearing out the garden, all the hidey holes have gone. She was introduced to the Big Black Cat.
From The Black Cat |
From The Black Cat |
As her friend Annie Pannie was about to leave on Sunday, Bongo came flying through the cat flap with such precision leaving a fluffy persian tabby number clawing at the patio doors (we have magnets).
Not much use of the cat litter trays but it's still nice to know that when it's raining we don't have to go outside.
Cat mother actually didn't come home until 10:30pm on Tuesday and guessing that this was an impromptu outing, this meant that there were no lights turned on for us as it turned dark. Her guilty conscious at this and the fact that she was about to desert us for 4 days meant that we got 2 nights of her sleeping on the sofa. We love sleeping with cat mother and wish that she would let us into her bedroom and understand that the fact that we would treat the bed as a toilet prevents this but what can we do? Boy does she snore though! Still small price to pay..
From Week 14 Bingo and Bongo |
And so the Lovejoy-Blacks turned up. They brought c h i l d r e n! Cat mother knows we are not into this but of course we had no say in the matter. On the day they arrived it was raining and where we wouldn't normally be out and about, with the arrival of the LJBs and on account of not having seen them for two years, we stayed outside, hovering about the lean too and miaowing whenever anyone came out to check we were o-kay. We soon discovered that the two younger ones went to bed at around 19:30 leaving the older one (we can handle a 12 year old) and parents in the living room. After a couple of days we relented and sat with JessWess who we simply love and adore. The parents aren't so bad either but what we really enjoy is waiting until they have gone to sleep on the sofa bed in the living room which just happens to house the cat-flap.
From Bingo Week 13 |
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Week 14 Bingo and Bongo |
We hear they are heading out today and wonder when cat mother will return.