Tuesday, 30 June 2009
News Flash - Molly
News flash : word has it on the street that cat mother has found me a worthy companion; a female at that and that she could possibly be with us this week-end...all being well...not allowed to say anymore on the subject...
Sunday, 28 June 2009
GPS cat tracker...cud this be on the cards
As we approach Week 5 with no Bongo cat mother has had another burst of energy and has been ringing round all the vets in Brighton, Hove, Crawley and has yet to do Three Bridges on account of Stalker George. A very good site for advice on lost cats is Lost Cats Brighton
She also got it into her head that I need to have a GPS cat tracker fitted. Fortunately for me the only one she could find (The Pet Detective), she couldn't get her hands on. She has contacted the manufacturers however, so watch this space.
I mean, if anyone cares about how I feel about it, I already think I've got enough trinkets going on around my neck and it appears it is not possible to simply add the information to the chip I already have inserted inside me which is what she originally wanted...I don't know...where is this all going to end...
Prawns for tea
Ay! Ay! Saveloy! I spy prawns for tea...I wonder what's brought this on...gotta dash...you know how it is...
News Shock
Word on the street has it that cat mother is due to be away for 3 w/e in July only this time she's trying to get cat sitters or into the cattery I go...ON MY OWN....gulp...to be fair it's a lovely place and we have radio and stuff and the best food only....the last time we were there it was me and Bongo...
Waiting for Wifey!
And honestly that's exactly what it likes...got her well under manners now...Cat mother rushes home and is almost there almost all of the time when she is not working.
This week she has taken up cycling and swimming on top of the walking but other than grocery shopping and working (which is long!) she doesn't really get out much so I guess I can let that go plus of course someone's gotta work and pay the bills and it sure ain't gonna be me!
All this lavish attention has made me miss her when she's gone and I long for her to come home so I can cuddle on her lap.
Now, there is a difference between the lap of someone tap tap tapping on a laptop and that of one who is sat comfortably on the sofa watching tv/film. I shall have to work on this one cos she don't half like to get online when she can and if it's not the laptop it's the blas-ted phone!
Sunday, 14 June 2009
The Way Out is Blocked - ain't no stoppin' us now...
Even after losing Bongo two weeks ago, possibly on account of attempting to block the way out Cat Mother and Adam have conspired against us again! And the way out is blocked...!
It's taken a while to get to this point but I think Cat Mother has realised that Yes!, she has finally been successful in blocking the way out and No!, this has not kept me from finding another way out...!
From Week 23 - Garden Fence - cat stylee |
They are a pair but for some reason Cat Mother could only get photos of Adelaide. They look quite similar except that Honey has a blue collar and one of them has a white chin...
The Persian Tan Number
Hah! Cat Mother did well and finally got some pics of him...the one who tries to take control of the garden. She believes if she befriends him it will work out for everyone...not convinced!
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Cat friends are more important now than ever!
And here you have Marmite from next door, a frequent visitor and probably my closest ali. He is often in our place feeding, wandering around and playing with toys but as yet does not trust cat mother enough to let her stroke him. I'm not getting involved.
There is also Honey and Adelaide from upstairs, the 6 cats owned by Chrissie, two doors down, the persian tan number who seems to take great delight in chasing us all out of our own garden so basically where there was a core of 5, this is down to 4...with others coming in and out of the equation...I'll try and get Cat Mother to take some photos of the others...
Not much to report
Not much to report...the tube strike worked in our favour as it meant that cat mother worked from home on Wednesday and Thursday and she had booked Friday as Annual Leave. So what with the Saturday and Sunday where nothing much was doing we had 5 days of bonding and every time I came in Cat Mother was there...admittedly on line for most of the time but she was there for me...
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Bingo - It's Just Me Now...
From Bingo |
A couple of photos as Cat Mother gets her mojo back and starts taking photos again...
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From Bingo watching Cat Mother Working |
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Cat Mother Caves In...sob...
Last night Cat Mother rushed in from work, in2 the garden and called 4 me. I was with Chrissie and her 6 cats from 2 doors and Cat Mother could hear me.
She may have been worried that I wasn't inside waiting 4 her 2 come home as would have been the case had Bongo been around. Anyway. Unusually she didn't leap straight on the computer as soon as she had eaten and showered but sat on the sofa and 2gether we watched Twilight again, me sat on Cat Mother's lap. This inevitably brought back memories of when we'd watched it the 1st time in the same position but with Bongo sat cuddling Cat Mother's hand on her left.
We watched an episode of Flight of the Conchords and then had an early night but Cat Other was unsettled and awoke 2 do some work on the computer. I played with some newly stolen toys and Cat Mother put a fleece on the sofa 4 me 2 sleep on. A couple of hours passed and we returned 2 bed. The alarm went off as usual @ 4.15am and off Cat Mother went 4 her morning walk choosing 2 listen 2 the Twilight sound track. It wasn't long b4 the best teenage love film's music inspired memories of our beloved Bongo and she was in tears. Fortunately there is no-one at this unearthly hour and whilst she tried 2 b discreet, by all accounts she let it all out. It's day 9 and she'd been storing all that grief and putting a brave face on it! It had 2 come out. I was beginning 2 wonder he she had any feelings or figured perhaps she's an ice queen!
She returned and showered and got ready 4 work and blow me if she didn't start crying on the way 2 the train station...and on the train...she had 2 pull her Oakleys down...Cat Mother updated her social network status 2 read "consumed and overwhelmed by grief...let it all out on the sea front...dedicating Twilight and it's sound track 2 the memory of Bongo. May he b happy wherever he has chosen 2 reside". She got through the working day and made her way home 2 me...
Monday, 8 June 2009
Bongo Goes Missing!
Well... Cat Mother blames it on the weather and it is true 2 say that we simply want 2 get out and about more now that it's lighter earlier and later.
So we live @ the end of a terrace of houses and the wall on the right has a 4 ft fence on it and all the neighbourhood cats, not just us, easily climb up onto the fence and thereby escape 2 the millions of flats or the great outside which essentially consists of a bus route and a high street, a train station and loads of other stuff and people.
Cat Mother gets it in2 her head after I went missing 2 purchase these black plastic spikes and Adam from upstairs eagerly agrees 2 put them up on top of the fence Sunday 31st May as he has 2 8 month old kittens, Honey and Adelaide, whom he also does not wish 2 lose. Within minutes of the spikes going up we'd figured we cud gingerly tiptoe on the spikes 2 get out but coming back was a lot more tricky! Course! With me being streetwise and all I knew that the front door (via the main road) is another way in. All I have 2 do is ensure Cat Mother is in and thenjust cry loudly and somehow she always hears me and lets me in. She is not happy about this but she daren't complain as it is this shrewdness which has kept me from going missing!
Bongo, on the other hand, being unable 2 say boo 2 a goose, only knows the cat flap entrance in the garden door and 2 get there we now had a massive spike hurdle.
At 10pm, Cat Mother and Bongo went 2 sleep and around 30 minutes later I came in, climbed the stairs 2 the loft bed and plonked myself on Bongo so we could have a snugfest. Now b4 I go on it must b said that Bongo does like his own space and he isn't always into this tactile brotherly love thing which I frequently promote. He is all male and sometimes barely tolerates my soppiness.
On this occasion he was not in the mood and snarled at me angrily! He got up and even as Cat Mother struggled 2 keep him, moved sulkily down the stairs and out the cat flap. This was the last we saw of him and it is day 8 as I write.
When he hadn't re-appeared by morning as Cat Mother left 4 work, she knew she'd lost him. She didn't want 2 believe it and left 4 work with a heavy heart blaming herself 4 having those spikes mounted. She contacted Adam when she got home and asked him 2 remove the offending spikes.
Tuesday she'd had posters made and circulated them in the neighbourhood.
From Wednesday, any time I went anywhere there were people trying 2 capture me, ringing Cat Mother thinking I am Bongo. She'd 4gotten 2 mention that I have a yellow and black collar and am slim and more vanilla than brown whereas Bongo has a red collar, is quite a big cat and is more brown than vanilla.
I miss him terribly and keep looking 4 him endlessly and wandering around listlessly. I wish Cat Mother didn't have 2 go 2 work and understand she has bills 2 pay.
True 2 her word her calendar is pretty empty in June and so when she is not working she'll b around 4 me mostly. She has got some leaflets printed but she 4got 2 get the red collar thing on there 2 avoid wasted phone calls. She mentioned she'd had loads last week whilst she was working and all about me. She has also talked about moving on and getting a replacement in September when she comes back from leave! That means I'll b going into the cattery on my own!
I an just so used 2 doing almost everything w/ Bongo that imagining a life w/o him or with another cat is strange. In the meantime I have Honey and Adelaide 2 keep me company and of course Marmite from next door...sniff...sniff...not to mention Chrissie's 6 cats from 2 doors down...sniff...sniff...a week on and the spikes have been replaced with a panel of wood 6ft high 2 c if that will stop us from going out 2 the main road...will they never learn?...we r wanderers and explorers @ heart; and extremely resourceful. We have the will and there is always a way...
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Here we go again.
She was furious and all hot and bothered by the time we reached home I can tell you. She made a bee line 4 the cat flap and locked it so we couldn't get out and gave us some bull about Big Bruv advising her 2 lock the cat flap so that I could re-settle. She got the cat litter trays back out and in the bathroom. I don't know. Something didn't feel right. Sure enough, the next morning she starts packing and it turns out she is off on a jolly 2 c her friend Tabatha in Tooting and doesn't want 2 get any calls from strangers advising that one of up has strayed!
Cat Mother wrote this yesterday morning and tried 2 send it using her orange acount and the settings weren't correct as she has just had it returned from repair. So on the train on the way home she phones Orange and gets them 2 send new settings and loses everything so she is trying again!
This sorry tale begins a couple of weeks back on a Monday when I decided 4 whatever reason not 2 come home 1 Monday night. Cat Mother went 2 bed feeling slightly uneasy about this as she is used 2 saying home night 2 both the kitty Kat boys.
Anyway. Unbeknownst 2 her I was having a whale of a time. I had crossed the main road and made my way up the high street quite near the train station. There were a few people about and I went up 2 them demanding strokes quite randomly. A lady whom I now know 2 b Nicolette gave me the eye as she went into a shop and I waited. Sure enuf when she came out she made a bee line straight 4 me, picked me up and asked all sorts of questions - like - did I know my way home? and was I lost? and so on.
Course I purred away, thoroughly enjoying myself and she soon took me home along Worcester Villas 2 a nice 1st floor flat where she lived w/ her mother and 4 cats. Being a visitor I got 2 share the bedroom w/ her. I watched her call Cat Mother many times after reading my name tag but knew that Cat Mother wouldn't answer thinking it was stalker George and sure enough I later learned that Cat Mother turned the phone off and went 2 sleep.
I slept really well but Bongo informed me later that by morning Cat Mother was completely wretched, had cuddled Bongo and her parting words were something like - "it could b just u and me chuck". Life moves on..!
So she gets on the train to go to work and the more she thinks about me missing in the morning the more upset she gets so she switches on the phone 2 call big bruv and is greeted by an incoming text message from Nicolette advising that I'm safe and well. Between them they organise that I should b picked up after work. Not so much as a by your leave he you please!
She calls Big Bruv anyway and still bursts into tears claiming that she'd just reconciled herself 2 only having one cat and now she had 2 get used 2 the fact that she actually had 2 again and it was all 2 much of a roller coaster 2 take in! Some people are just never satisfied!
So the evening arrived and Cat Mother turns up overjoyed 2 c me - like I'd been gone 4 years or something! It was only 1 night and 2 b honest w/ u I'd had fun and didn't want 2 leave right then. She got all stroppy when I kind of fought her efforts 2 put me in her cat basket [which incidentally I can break out of]. I cried as I left and 4 all of the 5 minutes it took 2 get home. It only took this long because I kept trying 2 break out.
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Week 19 Bingo and Bongo |
She was furious and all hot and bothered by the time we reached home I can tell you. She made a bee line 4 the cat flap and locked it so we couldn't get out and gave us some bull about Big Bruv advising her 2 lock the cat flap so that I could re-settle. She got the cat litter trays back out and in the bathroom. I don't know. Something didn't feel right. Sure enough, the next morning she starts packing and it turns out she is off on a jolly 2 c her friend Tabatha in Tooting and doesn't want 2 get any calls from strangers advising that one of up has strayed!
Well! Let me tell u. Cat Mother won't b doing that again in a hurry! It took her ages 2 clean the flat and find all our little puddles of wee. Who does she think she is anyway! She wants 2 b careful. There are loads of people out there who love us. We could go anywhere we want but 4 the time being there is no need 2 b hasty. Just helps 2 keep her on her toes and now that we r all re-united she is all loved up again and has promised no visitors in June. Ooooh! Yeah!
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