The one thing you can say about cat mother is that she loves us, utterly and unconditionally. She is always cuddling us, taking photos or videoing us. She gives us Siamese Royal Canine biscuits, Felix/Whiskers tinned food, and every now and then we get chicken, tuna and prawns. Who could ask for more? You may think she sounds a bit stupid (?) but if she wants to communicate with us that what she has to do!
Monday, 27 April 2009
Week 16 - Bingo and Bongo
Here are some photos of the kitty kat boys and included you can see the final day of the cat litter trays before they were washed and put in the shed. Other than that there is Bongo and myself balancing on the wall. We know cat mother doesn't like it when we go up there as it is the route to the "way outside and the main road" along which are "cars" but we like being nosy and exploring other peoples territory and there lies the route to the flats behind the high street of which there are many.
The Worm
We thought we'd give cat mother a break. We've stolen so many toys that we thought it was time for something different. Sure enough it was only a matter of time before we got back to our feral roots and Bongo brought in a worm. Course we all new that cat mother wasn't going to stand for that once she got wind of it. There he was, about to pull it to pieces when cat mother grabbed the brush and shovel and threw it outside into the garden. What are you gonna do?
From Worm |
Week 15 - Bingo and Bongo
Week 15 with the kitty kat boys. During this photo set you will see where I managed to get on top of the lean too and then couldn't get back down again. Not proud of this but cried until cat mother kind of got it? That she had to take me down. Got to get this sorted so will have to learn plus Adelaide and Honey, the black and white kittens (7 months) from the first floor flat will be using the roof of the lean too as a way to get in and out. Heard cat mother muttering about a ramp being made to help them to get up and down, in and out. A cat flap is being investigated for the kitchen door (glass) upstairs. We are not sure how we feel about this but typically we have no say.
Birthdays - Bingo and Bongo - 11th April
Unbelievably cat mother missed our birthdays. We are now two!
Monday, 13 April 2009
Transcript between Cat Mother and Big Bruv
BigBruv: You up?
This is what goes on when we are out of sight and clearly not out of mind...
Sent at 04:34 on Monday
cat mother: Of course
Christopher did not receive your chat.
cat mother: Blogging
Christopher did not receive your chat.
BigBruv: How about now?
cat mother: yep
So how come's you aren't walking BigBruv: Bad news I'm afraid.
cat mother: I'm waiting until it gets light
BigBruv: I'm gonna murder your cats!
cat mother: What have they done now?
BigBruv: Nuzzled at me all night
cat mother: Oh bless
cat mother: Oh bless
They love that!
It's their favourite thing
I have to sleep on the sofa at least once a week
BigBruv: Useless moggies
Getting Acquainted with the Family - Hamish
Every now and then cat mother befriends others and insists on bringing back photos and the like for us to share.
Hamish belongs to cat mother's brother so perhaps he's a cousin or something...not sure that we'll ever meet but since there is no where else to put them they share out blog...
Hamish belongs to cat mother's brother so perhaps he's a cousin or something...not sure that we'll ever meet but since there is no where else to put them they share out blog...
4 Days away from Cat Mother
This week was quite uneventful. Bingo was playing with a black glove which cat mother thought was hers and instead was just the latest in stolen toy acquisitions. Last weeks toys are below but the big monkey on the left was too big too fit through the cat flap so we had to wait for cat mother to spot it and bring it inside.
Cat mother had the mother of all colds and whilst she is to be commended for finally clearing out the garden, all the hidey holes have gone. She was introduced to the Big Black Cat.
As her friend Annie Pannie was about to leave on Sunday, Bongo came flying through the cat flap with such precision leaving a fluffy persian tabby number clawing at the patio doors (we have magnets).
Not much use of the cat litter trays but it's still nice to know that when it's raining we don't have to go outside.
Cat mother actually didn't come home until 10:30pm on Tuesday and guessing that this was an impromptu outing, this meant that there were no lights turned on for us as it turned dark. Her guilty conscious at this and the fact that she was about to desert us for 4 days meant that we got 2 nights of her sleeping on the sofa. We love sleeping with cat mother and wish that she would let us into her bedroom and understand that the fact that we would treat the bed as a toilet prevents this but what can we do? Boy does she snore though! Still small price to pay..
And so the Lovejoy-Blacks turned up. They brought c h i l d r e n! Cat mother knows we are not into this but of course we had no say in the matter. On the day they arrived it was raining and where we wouldn't normally be out and about, with the arrival of the LJBs and on account of not having seen them for two years, we stayed outside, hovering about the lean too and miaowing whenever anyone came out to check we were o-kay. We soon discovered that the two younger ones went to bed at around 19:30 leaving the older one (we can handle a 12 year old) and parents in the living room. After a couple of days we relented and sat with JessWess who we simply love and adore. The parents aren't so bad either but what we really enjoy is waiting until they have gone to sleep on the sofa bed in the living room which just happens to house the cat-flap.
Oh! We have such fun coming in and out, cruching on our biscuits, chasing our tails and playing games. Course by morning we are back out again. These LJBs clearly are unsure about the "Out" rule of the bedroom and sometimes we get to sneak in there and see what's going on. Unfortunately now cat mother has cleared it out it is not as much fun as it used to be and there is now lots of strange LJB stuff in there.
We hear they are heading out today and wonder when cat mother will return.
From Week 13 Cats Stolen Toys |
Cat mother had the mother of all colds and whilst she is to be commended for finally clearing out the garden, all the hidey holes have gone. She was introduced to the Big Black Cat.
From The Black Cat |
From The Black Cat |
As her friend Annie Pannie was about to leave on Sunday, Bongo came flying through the cat flap with such precision leaving a fluffy persian tabby number clawing at the patio doors (we have magnets).
Not much use of the cat litter trays but it's still nice to know that when it's raining we don't have to go outside.
Cat mother actually didn't come home until 10:30pm on Tuesday and guessing that this was an impromptu outing, this meant that there were no lights turned on for us as it turned dark. Her guilty conscious at this and the fact that she was about to desert us for 4 days meant that we got 2 nights of her sleeping on the sofa. We love sleeping with cat mother and wish that she would let us into her bedroom and understand that the fact that we would treat the bed as a toilet prevents this but what can we do? Boy does she snore though! Still small price to pay..
From Week 14 Bingo and Bongo |
And so the Lovejoy-Blacks turned up. They brought c h i l d r e n! Cat mother knows we are not into this but of course we had no say in the matter. On the day they arrived it was raining and where we wouldn't normally be out and about, with the arrival of the LJBs and on account of not having seen them for two years, we stayed outside, hovering about the lean too and miaowing whenever anyone came out to check we were o-kay. We soon discovered that the two younger ones went to bed at around 19:30 leaving the older one (we can handle a 12 year old) and parents in the living room. After a couple of days we relented and sat with JessWess who we simply love and adore. The parents aren't so bad either but what we really enjoy is waiting until they have gone to sleep on the sofa bed in the living room which just happens to house the cat-flap.
From Bingo Week 13 |
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Week 14 Bingo and Bongo |
We hear they are heading out today and wonder when cat mother will return.
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